Welcome, I am thrilled to be connecting with you. My quest is to help others who like me, have had a less than an ideal start on the road to success. If sharing my story encourages, inspires, and gives you the courage to pursue whatever it is you want, that is where my happiness lies. I would be honored and jumping with joy knowing I have touched your life in a positive way.
It is my pleasure to GIFT you a copy of my chapter in the newly released book, IN HER SHOES, which promises to impact, inspire and encourage women that they can overcome anything life throws at them. I am honored to be a contributing author and hope you enjoy my chapter. Download your free gift below…
Excerpt of chapter written by Debbie Hemingway…
“My childhood home was the first house adjacent to the Sunnydale housing projects. I didn’t realize any difference, so in my eyes I had a wonderful life. Resilience and negotiation was learned at an early age.”
Enter your email below to Download Debbie’s Free Chapter from IN HER SHOES, to purchase the book, click on the BUY NOW Button….